Sand dune with smooth gradient and subtle texture, aerial view.


  • When booking an entrainment, please select "Book Class" to be shown all the available times.

    Entrainment sessions are always delivered within a group setting for your benefit - enquire with your chiropractor to find out more.

    You can book up to three entrainment sessions per day, please book with a 20min or more break between them.

    Once a time is chosen you can select "Pay Now" to pay by card online (Off-Plan) or select "Pay Later" if using your pre-payment credit (On-Plan).

    Note: All payments are taken prior to each appointment, with either of the above options.

    Card Payments: We do not carry any card processing facilities in the practice. All card payments must be processed online at the time of booking.

    Cash: We accept cash for On-Plan pre-payments, but do not hold cash on the premises.

  • We encourage booking SRI sessions before or after an entrainment session on the same day.

    When booking an SRI session, please select "Book Appointment", then "SRI" to be shown available times.

    Once a time is chosen, you can select "Pay Now" to pay by card online (Off-Plan) or select "Pay Later" if using your pre-payment credit (On-Plan).

    Note: All payments are taken prior to each appointment, with either of the above options.

    Card Payments: We do not carry any card processing facilities in the practice. All card payments must be processed at the time of booking.

    Cash: We accept cash for On-Plan pre-payments, but do not hold cash on the premises.

  • For On-Plan clients, our staff will book Progress Reviews and Comparative Consultations in advance for you.

    Clients choosing Off-Plan will require at least one Progress Review every 12 weeks. Simply enquire with our staff to book.

  • Once logged into the online Client Portal, select "My Appointments". Here you will see a list of all your upcoming appointments.

    Please note the date of your next Progress Review or Comparative Assessment.

    For those On-Plan, your Comparative Assessment will act as a goal post. Between now and that date please book your selected number of entrainments and SRI appointments.

  • From time to time you may need to change the times of your bookings, or cancel an appointment. Let's show you how in 4 easy steps.

    1) Select "My Appointments" page within the Client Portal. Find the appointment you need to reschedule or cancel and note down the date and time.

    2) Now book your new date and time under "Book Class" or "Book Appointment".

    3) Return to the "My Appointments" section to now cancel your old appointment by pressing the "Cancel Appointment" red X on the right hand side of your booking.

    4) When cancelling an appointment, please text the practice so we are aware of your circumstances.

    Note: If you have any issues with this process simply text the practice phone.

  • Life happens, so occasionally you may miss a day, week or month of care.
    From time to time we also alter our availabilities according to conferences and public holidays.

    For those clients On-Plan, your quarter of care has a number of set appointments that you must adhere to closely to achieve your desired result.

    When missing care sessions, we recommend making up those missed appointments on alternative days, weeks or months of care.

    As mentioned above under “How to book a NetworkSpinal Entrainment”, you can book up to three entrainments per day, with at least a 20min gap between them.

    Booking example:
    6:20am entrainment, 7am entrainment, 7:20am SRI, and 5:40pm entrainment.
    Or 7am entrainment, 11am and 5pm.

    For planned holidays, FIFO workers and those who travel frequently:
    Please take the entrainment and SRI sessions that will be missed, and allocate them into your available weeks either side of your holiday.

  • We are all accountable to the process of care. Seeking More is accountable to improving nervous system coherence and empowering you, and you are accountable to your commitment and engagement with the care.

    We do not have a cancellation fee. We will not hassle you to make bookings. It will be your responsibility. We always empower our clients to make informed conscious choices about engaging in care with us. This invites collaboration and accountability.

    We provide text reminders and a full set of online tools for you to self-manage your appointments. Therefore, we ask that you attend the appointments you schedule with us.

    If you do not arrive for a booked appointment, the full fee will be incurred.


  • We do not accept WorkCover or NDIS clients at this time, unless self managed and paying out of pocket.

    For DVA or Medicare (EPC) clients, please contact us before making a booking.

  • For private health claiming, simply download the relevant invoices through the online Client Portal and lodge them with your provider.

    Note: Invoices can only be claimed with private health insurance or Medicare once the appointment has taken place.

    When pre-paying services such as Off-Plan - pay-per-booking, the appointment must have taken place before claiming.

  • Once logged into the Client Portal, simply select "My Invoices" for a list of all your past invoices, downloadable as PDF documents.

  • After your Initial Consultation process, the way you pay for visits will depend on how you choose to engage with the care. There are two options:

    1) On-Plan:

    • This is our plan as it was designed, delivered quarter by quarter over a 12 month period, with all the testing, assessing, consultations, resources, coursework and products, in a simple yet comprehensive program.

    • On-Plan appointments are substantially reduced in cost.
      — Entrainments, SRI, Progress Reviews and Comparative Consultations reduced to $70 each.

    • All On-Plan products & testing are at no cost.
      — Over $440 in savings per quarter.

    • Available in simple per-quarter bundles▸.
      — From $1750 for 25 visits, up to $3010 for 43 visits▾.
      Each quarter is pre-paid in full by cash or bank transfer.
      ▾ Each quarter of care can be at a different frequency.

    2) Off-Plan:

    • Appointments are limited to Entrainments, SRI and Progress Reviews. Off-Plan does not include products, resources, or in depth consultations & analysis.

    • Off-Plan clients can choose their own frequency of appointments, however, clients choosing Off-Plan will require at least one full cost Progress Review every 13 weeks, at $240.

    • Entrainments and SRI are pay-per-booking at full cost ($90), when booking online.

    Note: All payments are taken prior to each appointment, with either of the above options.

    Card Payments: We do not carry any card processing facilities in the practice. All card payments must be processed online at the time of booking.

    Cash: We accept cash for On-Plan pre-payments, but do not hold cash at the premises.

  • Our On-Plan services are sought after and often have a wait list for access.

    Because we only have a select number of On-Plan spaces available at our practice, On-Plan clients must adhere closely to their chosen frequency.

    If you are not booking appointments at your chosen frequency we will halt your schedule of care and discuss alternatives with you.

    This is so we can maximise the number of available On-Plan spaces at any time.

  • Any credit remaining at the end of your quarter can be used towards future visits or returned to you.

    A leftover credit at the end of your quarter will occur if you were not able to attend the number of visits you selected for in your care program, leaving a credit equal to the value of those visits.

  • Clients are able to leave our care at any time, and any remaining funds will be credited back via bank transfer. Simple and easy.


    • We do not offer refunds on any service that have already taken place.

    • For clients On-Plan, items such as books, products, learning resources or red-lens sleep aids are included at zero-cost and are therefore non-refundable.

  • Please do not use appointment reminder text messages as a form of communication.

    Our communications platform used for appointment reminders uses a pool of numbers to send these reminders from.

    They can be different for each client, and do not always link back to our practice when you reply to them.

    To avoid confusion, please contact us on our main mobile number, provided on your first appointment with us.