We’ve had the education, done the research, read the books and know the literature so that no stone is left unturned.

Our standard of care is about helping to move someone from a victim of their life circumstance and health state, towards inspired and empowered participation, resilience, accountability and healthy engagement with how they live their life.


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There are two ways to engage with care at Seeking More.


  • This is our plan as it was designed, delivered quarter by quarter over a 12 month period, with all the testing, assessing, consultations, resources, coursework and products, in a simple yet comprehensive program.

    On-Plan appointments are substantially reduced in cost.
    — Entrainments, SRI, Progress Reviews and Comparative Consultations reduced to $70 each.

    All On-Plan products & testing are at no cost.
    — Over $440 in savings per quarter.

    Available in simple per-quarter bundles.
    — From $1750 for 25 visits, up to $3010 for 43 visits.


  • Appointments are limited to Entrainments, SRI and Progress Reviews. Off-Plan does not include products, resources, or in depth consultations & analysis.

    Off-Plan clients can choose their own frequency of appointments, however, clients choosing Off-Plan will require at least one full cost Progress Review every 13 weeks, at $240.

    Entrainments and SRI are pay-per-booking at full cost ($90), when booking online.


What does it mean to be On-Plan at Seeking More?

Visual representation of a year-long assessment plan divided into four quarters with different backgrounds: Quarter 1 (blue ice), Quarter 2 (orange water), Quarter 3 (yellow boiling), Quarter 4 (green clouds). Includes various icons and illistrations

Change, transformation and reorganisation are not events, but processes—an unfolding. In order for NetworkSpinal to deliver phenomenal results, we must be accountable to this process.

From the personal experience and expertise of serving more than 1,200 clients and 27,000 care visits, combined with 40 years of research and development by EpiEnergetics, we at Seeking More have designed care programs to optimise your journey.

  • Sustainable change requires sustainable lifestyle integration.
    We believe it is important that your access to this care be convenient and tenable. Our goal is to reduce the number of decisions you need to make, allow the process to take place and for it to be easily integrated within your lifestyle.

    ⏵ NetworkSpinal and its development, publication and certification is a trademark technology of EpiEnergetics and its founder
    Dr. Donny Epstein.


10 reasons people choose On-Plan at Seeking More.

Infographic featuring four coloured panels representing four quarters. Each panel includes images of entrainments, SRI, people using online resources, images of x-rays, DEXA scans and blood tests, each panel has a timeline over a 52 week care plan
  • We deliver our best results when following an On-Plan program of care. To create long term change, our care programs take into account 12 months of care, divided evenly into four 13 week quarters▸.

    Each quarter of care involves a streamlined process of care sessions▾, and regular progress consultations to monitor change.

    Although our program of care is for an expected 12 months in length, goals/expectations and agreements are re-established every quarter.
    This allows us to adapt to your goals and modify your program, as we move with your body’s own rate of change.

    Within each quarter are additional resources and practices that support the change taking place in your nervous system.
    This is to make the process as graceful and effortless for you as possible.

    ▸ Because life is fluid, programs are often lengthened due to public holidays, personal holidays and away dates.

    “Care sessions” are a combination of 4x SRI sessions per quarter, and weekly entrainment sessions at a frequency of your choosing - see point 9.

  • Every six weeks we will conduct a Progress Consultation, such as a Progress Review or Comparative Consultation▸ to monitor progress through physical, psychological and neurological assessments.

    By assessing physical biomechanical parameters, self-reported changes in awareness, and functional neurological tests, we can observe how effectively you are integrating the structures, perceptions and behaviours of your body and your life.

    We experience our world through our nervous system, so we want to see evidence that the level of spinal and neural integrity in your system is improving.

    In other words, we want to see improvement in brain-body communication and central nervous system coherence. These results, alongside the changes you experience, will be discussed throughout each quarter of care and guide recommendations for subsequent quarters.

    Progress Consultations will also serve as points for testing and re-assessing blood markers and imaging, see points 3 & 4.

    A Comparative Consultation involves in depth testing and analysis and is only available to On-Plan clients. It is made up of two visits, a Comparative Assessment and a Comparative Report.

  • If necessary, your chiropractor may request x-rays, at no extra cost to you. This will provide valuable insight into the history of how much stress your spine and nervous system has endured, and what could potentially change.

    Chiropractors are trained to interpret x-rays in unique ways that GPs and radiologists often do not. Viewing and discussing your x-rays, if taken, can prove very illuminating, not just for the practitioner, but for yourself as well.

    To read more about our x-rays; “Common Questions > Testing"

  • At specific points through your care program, we will conduct and refer for expert testing and analysis.

    We test and assess the health of your body down to the cellular level using
    DEXA scans,
    Metabolic / Mitochondrial blood tests,
    and pH Acidity/ Alkalinity testing.

    At no cost to On-Plan clients, these simple yet profound screenings (at the right time) can inspire massive action for change.

    Some things are difficult to ascertain without certain tests and biomarkers, and it is prudent to see rather than guess. When it comes to your health, we’d prefer not to guess.

    To read more about our tests; “Common Questions > Testing"

  • To maximise the efficiency of your entrainments, and expedite your overall progress, our care programs include 4x SomatoRespiratory Integration or SRI sessions per quarter.

    SRI is facilitated by our staff in 20 min 1-on-1 sessions and directed by the chiropractor's recommendations.

    These practices are vital in helping a person connect with each stage of their healing journey with more ease and efficiency. Our intention is to teach you these exercises and empower you to regulate your nervous system yourself.

  • Experience has shown that the more involved someone is in their healing journey, and the more awareness they have of the process, the greater their outcomes can be. That is why we built our platform of learning resources called "The Seekers Portal" that will expand your view of health, illness, energy and life.

    There will be new and very practical concepts, educational resources, videos and experiential workshops that will serve as your roadmap of the journey.

    They are designed for you to refer back to when needed and to invite a very different kind of self reflection. This content library will help change your relationship to your symptoms, body and with how you are engaging in the world around you. This is paradigm-shifting content.

    As a taste:

    • Throughout Quarter 1 of care, there are six videos exploring the nature of the human condition, and how our perceptions, structures and behaviours govern our body, mind & life.

    • Later, during Quarter 3 of care, we will dive into our DeNatured coursework to learn all about mitochondria, our environment and common “inputs” that change the function of our bodies; such as foods, EMF and light.

  • As part of your On-Plan program of care we include specific products at specific times at no extra cost.

    As an example:

    • Within Quarter 1 of care our On-Plan clients will receive both yellow and red lens glasses from Baxter Blue - an amazing Australian business.
      Designed for optimising your circadian rhythm, and limiting exposure to artificial blue light, these glasses together are valued at $240, and are zero-cost for On-Plan clients▸.

    As part of On-Plan care we also include published books by the developer of NetworkSpinal, Dr. Donny Epstein (Chiropractor).

    These easy to digest materials will be your guide along your healing journey, and at the right time, allow you to see, think, feel and recognise how and where you may have been playing small in your life. This will help you claim MORE for yourself.

    ▸ For those with prescription glasses or vision impairments, we have arranged alternative products.

  • When it comes to managing appointments, we strive for efficiency and convenience. This is why booking appointments is managed by you through our online Client Portal. From here you can create, cancel and reschedule appointments with ease, as well as process payments (Off-Plan) and retrieve invoices.

    Certain types of appointments such as Progress Reviews and Comparative Consultations serve as goalposts during your journey and will be booked in person with our front desk staff.

  • We deliver our On-Plan program of care quarter by quarter, over a 12 month period. We do this to remain focused on your body’s own rate of change through each quarter.

    Before each quarter of care we first determine a recommendation based on your presentation, examination results and quarterly goals.

    Our recommendation will be the number of visits required to achieve your goals, and should be used as a guide when choosing your On-Plan bundle.

    Each quarter will come with 4 On-Plan bundles to choose from.

    • Differing only by number of visits and overall cost.

    • Starting from $1750 for 25 visits, up to $3010 for 43 visits.

    • Paid by cash or bank transfer.

    • Each quarter of care can be at a different frequency.

  • Our business was created to serve the local community of people seeking more in their lives. We also believe in the Law of Reciprocity - what you give, you get, and life experience has shown us this is true.

    For each paid visit with us, we make donations with two Australian organisations whose values we align with.

    • In real terms, for every five care visits you attend at the practice we plant a tree as part of reforestation efforts throughout Australia,

    • And for or every 10 visits you attend we clean 150 pieces of plastic from our beaches and educate students on living sustainably litter-free.

    Read more on Our Story page.


Lets take a closer look at the four quarters of care at Seeking More.

Four-quarter collage with images of people, books, graphics, and anatomy illustrations.


  • The first quarter of care involves a series of NetworkSpinal sessions, somatic exercises, primary learning resources and sleep aids. This portion of care shifts your system out of Fight-or-Flight and into Rest-and-Repair. Your nervous system will establish greater stability, flexibility and safety.

  • The second quarter of care continues with NetworkSpinal sessions, somatic exercises and secondary learning resources.

    External scans and metabolic testing is introduced. Now we begin preparing your system for change. This portion of care begins to introduce greater awareness and a temporary instability in order to achieve a new baseline state of function.

  • In the third quarter of care, the NetworkSpinal sessions, somatic exercises and tertiary learning resources facilitate greater resourcefulness for transformation.

    Self-reflective activities help you discover your energetic formula for change. This further helps you move past old conditioned patterns of behaviour, structure and perception, and replace them with a more authentic you.

  • In the fourth quarter of care, the interaction between NetworkSpinal sessions, advanced somatic exercises and quaternary learning resources build a higher level of spinal and neural integrity.

    You begin to develop an organic desire to share your gifts with others, and tend to see discomforts as opportunities. It is concluded by a comparison of all assessments.


  • These are ongoing regular touch points to reassess some physiological testing, spinal and neural integrity and self-perceived improvement.
    Progress Reviews are 80 min in length. They begin with an entrainment and conclude with an assessment and discussion with the chiropractor.

    We want to see that the changes in your spine and nervous system are consistent with the changes you are experiencing in your life.

    This is an opportunity to bring up anything you wish to discuss with the chiropractor.

    Progress Reviews are also an opportunity (at the right time) to provide products and conduct testing included at zero-cost as part of your On-Plan care program.

  • At the end of each quarter, a full Comparative Consultation is conducted over two visits, allowing us to measure your progress, discuss your goals and compare where you began to what you’ve achieved so far.
    The goal of a Comparative Consultation is to monitor how resilient and adaptable your nervous system has become thus far, and to see a healthy integration between changes in your perceptions, behaviours and structure.

    These are major Reviews. All physical and neurological tests are reassessed, including self-reported changes in your body and in your life. These results are then collated together as a report and discussed at your second visit.

    Your Comparative Assessment (80 min) will begin with an entrainment, and conclude with a full-assessment as part of your in-depth evaluation.

    Your chiropractor may also request re x-rays before your report visit.

  • At your Comparative Report (80 min), we begin with an entrainment to finalise the evaluation process, before commencing your report.

    What is anticipated for your next quarter of care will be discussed as well as the types of changes expected during that quarter of care, as we may start to work with deeper layers that are now accessible.

    Comparative Consultations are also an opportunity (at the right time) to provide products and conduct testing included at zero-cost as part of your On-Plan care program.

Step 1: Complete!

Step 2: Complete!

Up next: Step 3

Optional: read below about the evolving landscape of healthcare, and see our second fully illustrated digital pamphlet.

NETWORKSPINAL, illustrated

Structures, Behaviours & Perceptions,
The NetworkSpinal Assessment

This pamphlet showcases some of the structural, behaviour and perceptual tests that feature in your assessments, and reports.

You will also find examples of the stages of spinal degeneration and our program of care to transform your body and life.



  • The goal is to attempt to reduce or eliminate symptoms or “normalise” biomarkers. This is called “symptomatic care”. However, the assumption is that symptoms are something that’s wrong and must be stopped. By suppressing or removing a symptom the person can resume, as close as possible, their previous life routine and actions.

    If current healthcare works as we have it now, and if a person is successfully treated, and assuming there aren’t side effects from treatment, then indeed, at best the person returns to the prior state they were in, which most often actually promoted the development of the conditions in the first place.

    At some point, going back to where you were before is no longer an option. At some point we say “enough of the treatment, I want to be well. I want to take my health back.” Although mainstream medicine has value saving lives in crisis care, we must understand that there is so much more to healthcare than just crisis care or symptom management — than just suppressing the symptom — than just returning blood tests to “normal range”—than just returning someone back to who they were before.


  • It is defined as an approach to healing and life which seeks to both optimise what already exists and bring the system into a more dynamic, aware and responsive state. At the same time, a system can produce new sustainable properties for self regulation, growth and evolution.

    Symptoms are a means towards change. Reducing symptoms is not the objective of Reorganisational Healing. By stopping the symptom or crisis the person can resume as close as possible their previous life routines and actions which brought them to the crisis in the first place.

    The objective instead, is greater coherence in nervous system function that will promote self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind and emotion, and how the internal state interacts with the external environment. This results in novel ways in which you show up in life and your capacity to make an impact on others.

    It is about healing, not treatment. Treatment is about the condition—healing is about the person, and helping to take their life to a higher level than before.