Our practice came together as a multi-year labour of love from seeking more for ourselves, in our bodies and in our lives.
Every win, loss, challenge, hardship and success has led us to the creation of Seeking More. Our passion for and intention in how we deliver our service originates first from holding a larger vision for the health, wellbeing and potential of humanity.
Sharing this life-changing care with others has become more and more necessary.
It is time for a new healthcare; more conscious, more ecological, more holistic, more collaborative, more self-empowered and more aware. Together we can achieve more, with an understanding of how we use energy to create something extraordinary.
Our purpose is to facilitate beyond-ordinary healing experiences in a culture where conditioned patterns push people towards outdated and ordinary solutions.
Beyond-ordinary healing births new possibilities, previously unseen, that permeate into all areas of someone’s life and everyone they interact with.
Through energy-rich NetworkSpinal chiropractic care we help to optimise coherence of the central nervous system, which, combined with paradigm-shifting education, allows you to feel, experience, think, express, achieve and be MORE, beyond what you thought was possible.
Our vision is to establish ourselves as a sanctuary of highly competent, compassionate and influential healthcare and life-care services with a reputation of the highest integrity and professionalism throughout various locations in Australia. We’re here to usher in a more aware, more empowered and more conscious mainstream culture of healing and living.
Seeking More was created to serve the local community of people seeking more in their lives. We also believe in the Law of Reciprocity - what you give, you get, and life experience has shown us this is true.
For each paid visit with us, we make donations with two Australian organisations whose values we align with.
In real terms, for every five care visits you attend at the practice we plant a tree as part of reforestation efforts throughout Australia,
And for or every 10 visits you attend we clean 150 pieces of plastic from our beaches and educate students on living sustainably litter-free.
Dr. Stefan Jovanovski (Chiropractor)
Bachelor of Health Science / Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiropractic)
Dr. Stefan (DC) graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in 2017.
He went on to develop a particular interest in understanding the complexity of the upper cervical spine (upper neck) and was one of the first two people in Australia to complete the entire Blair Upper Cervical technique course.
During the years he had begun to see and feel just how much more there was to healing and wellness than many were led to believe. This curiosity pushed him to explore the connection between stress, unresolved emotional experiences and how the nervous system expresses this through our physical bodies. By doing so, deeper and longer lasting changes were witnessed in his clients both physically and emotionally.
Furthermore, as Stefan watched profound changes take place in his own partner’s health through NetworkSpinal care, his path became absolute. He finally moved in the direction life was wanting him to move and has been delivering life-changing NetworkSpinal care ever since.
He has been lucky to have worked for, and been trained by, some of the leaders in the chiropractic industry, as well as mentored by those who are among the best at what they do. Honesty and integrity are aspects he holds strongly in his work. When interested in a craft, mastery is the only option for him.
Dr. Stefan’s passion is to work with people who seek MORE in their lives—people who genuinely wish to take their health and life to new heights, rather than just get rid of pain.
If you too are seeking more, he looks forward to helping you become who the world needs you to be.
For those under care:
Stefan’s Triad of Change is:
Perception (Prime)
Structure (Keystone)
Behaviour (Drain/Gift)
Stefan has an External EpiWay which energises his life.
“Whether or not there’s pain doesn’t mean someone is well or not. When someone is well they are well in spite of whatever pain may be present. You know when someone is well because they are more capable, more compassionate, more adaptable, more giving, more gracious, more collaborative, more connected, more in tune, more resourceful, more impactful and more alive. They’re just MORE.”
— Dr. Stefan Jovanovski
Tom (Business Manager)
Tom is a previous Endorsed Enrolled Nurse (2014 graduate), who has managed and worked within chiropractic practices since 2019.
Originally from Melbourne, he is passionate about the human condition with particular interests in preventative, environmental and developmental health sciences.
Tom is a polymath and autodidact. He has experienced, and become experienced in, a wide array of fields throughout his life: from childhood trauma (ACE scores) and implant rejection (plastic hernia mesh), to technology, politics and business. His journey has taught him numerous invaluable lessons that he calls his “free university degree”.
Should you have questions, Tom is available to answer them.
For those under care:
Tom’s Triad of Change is:
Structure (Prime)
Behaviour (Keystone)
Perception (Drain/Gift)
Tom likely has an Internal EpiWay in which he lives his life.
NetworkSpinal, its philosophy and practice, is the junction where cutting edge mechanistic enviro-biopsychosocial sciences meet the vitalistic wisdom of whole-istic neurobiology, quantum science and the spiritual field.
— Tom